
Thursday, December 27, 2012

pancakes for breakfast

i need to be better at intentionally spending time with my kids.
in our home mornings are not the prettiest.
Okay let's be really honest mornings include: yelling, rushing, arguing, and nagging
and most of that is all done by me.
I can sit here and say it' because of my kids and: their lack of listening, their attitudes, their ages,
but in reality I am responsible.
I did good all summer in that I got up at 6 AM: got dressed, did my devotions; all before everyone was awake.
I even continued this for September and most of October.

When I started to get sick again, I got really tired achy and was not willing to suck it up.
I slept in till the kids needed to leave for school
I woke up and stayed in my pajamas all day. Did you know that when you stay in your pajamas all day it's very hard to be motivated to do anything.
Now that I'm feeling better what's my excuse.
I really don't have one besides being lazy

This week I promised myself that I would be a better mom, that I would be up when they are up
that I would be around
that I wouldn't always be on the computer or the iPad or an iPod
that I would be interested in what they're doing, watching the games are playing, listening to the songs they want me to hear, and watching the dances that they repeated 20 times already.

I also want to be more intentional at breakfast time
intentional on not just getting them a bowl of cereal every morning or just telling them to do it himself.
I'm not against having them get their breakfast because really that makes life easier and teaches them responsibility.
I want to have fun mornings a when we make crazy looking pancakes.
I want mornings when we just eat something outrageous that normally wouldn't be excepted on a school day morning.

I want them to know that I'm thankful for them
I'm thankful that God chose me to raise them before he takes them back home.
I want them to know what God looks like through me,
no matter if  I'm feeling well, if I'm tired, or feeling too overwhelmed to play at the moment.

I just want to be a better.
I know this is not going to be easy, I know Satan is going to tell me lies, he is going to tell me I'm failing, cause me to become sick and push me down any chance he can.

So I just want to rally together as moms, as women, to pray for each other, to be intentional on encouraging one another, to be strong women, strong mothers, strong children of God.

am i alone in this? 
are you with me, let's pray for each other..
leave your name and email in the comments and I will get you added to my prayer list.

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your raw honesty. I am glad to know I am not the only Mom that feels this way!


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