
Monday, January 16, 2012

Tuesday Treasury Link Up

Thanks to everyone who linked up last week.
I had fun going through all the links!

Maysem at Ode to Inspiration

~ To all the people and things that inspire me and motivate me to jump into projects I never thought I would do! I hope you get inspired too!

she shared her super cute  Silhouette & Ruffles outfit

I see this outfit in Little Lenny's immediate future!

Could you do me favor and take my blog survey before you leave today...
Click here to take survey

Now it's your turn
Link up to any craft, food, DIY, refashion, makeover, or giveaway of handmade items post


<center><a href=""><img src=""/></a></center>

Please link up the Tuesday Treasury button 
{a text link is fine too --Boerman Ramblings}
So everyone can join the party

Please comment on ONE post before you and ONE post after you -- 
of course in addition to any and all others that you want to check out. 

**Make sure to link to specific post and not your main blog URL.

Please do not list blog hops
unless the post directly showcases something you created **

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  1. I have become your newest follower and have linked up to the party and look forward to visiting some of the other links. Thanks for hosting.

  2. OH WOW!! Thanks bunches Chrissy for featuring my silhouette and ruffles outfit!! I felt so special to see it featured:D

  3. Chrissy...after seeing the AWESOME critiques you got, I had to come join!!!! I even linked up!!




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