
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

One Little Word Wednesdays ....

The day has finally arrived for us to unleash the One Little Word Linky Party.
I am so excited about this and can wait for you to join us!

What does One Littel Word mean..
well the sweet Alece of Oneword365 puts it like this...

It can be something tangible or intangible. It can be a thought or a feeling or an action. It can be a character trait or an accomplishment or a place you want to end up.
A word that can be a reminder, a nudge. A word that you can reflect on, that will challenge you, that will inspire you.
Your word can be anything you want it to be. All that matters is that it has personal meaning for you. This isn’t your mother’s word. Or your spouse’s word. Or your friend’s word.
This is your word. It needs to resonate with your heart, no one else’s.
Maybe a word popped right into your head. Maybe you need to let the idea percolate a bit longer.
Either way, more often than not, your word finds you.
You’ll probably have a love/hate relationship with it. That’s okay. If it doesn’t scare you at least a little, it’s probably not the right word.

So what will your word be?
Mine is words... I need to focus on this in so many areas of my life.
Next week i will explain a little more about why i chose this and what i am anticipating.

So you.. yes you.. go NOW, over to It's a Long Story and Link up your One Little Word post.
If you do not have a blog of your own leave your response here in the comments and I'll take care of it for you!

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