
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ugly Sweater Christmas Party and a punch recipe...

Where can lavender and christmas red play nice together?
at an Ugly Sweater Christmas Party!

I had to search high and low, at every goodwill, salvation army, thrift store in town
Just to find these two sweaters.

They were not even that good, good as in ugly!
you get what I am trying to say!

We had a great time and ate some amazing treats...

My sweater was crochet and actually comfy
Our babysitter actually took it home because she liked it!

Hubbies sweater was red and gray,
also from the plus size woman's section!

Oh and the little white strips on hubbies are are holding his skin together..
Happens when men elbow each other in the face!

Don't worry, it's healing very nice and he is feels great!

The punch I made for the party was awesome
can I say that about something i made? well I just did, deal with it! HA

Let's name the punch "freeze" (sorry inside joke)

Freeze Punch

2 cans frozen orange juice
2 cans frozen lemonade
2 bottles squirt
two tubs frozen pineapple sherbet.. (i only added one in the beginning and one after that melted)
*filled a normal punch bowl.

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1 comment:

  1. ohmigosh you two are adorable. love the awesomely awkward one at the end! pssst, your babysitter has good taste...that sweater is super cute!


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